I have been hearing about mind control for years. I’m not talking about some kind of hypnotism or Manchurian Candidate stuff, I am talking about these caps you can put on that allow for some kind of control by thought waves.
In the case of this quadrocopter, a project at University of Minnesota led by Bin He allows a man with a skullcap take control of its movement. Apparently, if you think about making a fist, you can make it go a certain direction.
I’m serious, that is how it works. I’m not certain why in the world why I can’t just think “left” or “right”. I believe it is up to certain nerve endings, and hopefully you will adapt.
Okay, is there any way we could just make it so we could think a certain quadrocopter to move in a certain direction, and it would just go there? Oh man, I really want to see that technology.
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