In reviewing the PhotoFast, I can’t help but compare it to the MiLi iData Flash Drive, as they essentially do the same thing.
The issue is that the PhotoFast is the “world’s smallest iOS microSD card reader”, and the CR8800 has a 16 GB MircoSD card included. So if you have some data on your iDevice that you want to offload, you can do that. Also, if you have some files on your PhotoFast, you can upload them to the phone.
You can download up to 128 GB if you like, provided they are in low mode. The official site seems to emphasize that, and so high power ones might not work. The site has some kind of chart that shows that it is capable of downloading a lot of interesting types of files.
It is also possible to Stream videos via AirPlay, as well as some managing of serious iCloud storage via iCloud Drive/Dropbox/Google Drive accounts on your iDevice. Then there is File Security, App Lock, a Recorder, and there is literally 31 things it can do. Seriously, just go to the PhotoFast site and see it for yourself, because dang, it is a whole lot. It can be bought for about $39.99.
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