I always will attest that the best films are probably the ones that you have never heard of. In the case of The Fall, I never heard of it, but I am not sorry that I saw it, I can tell you that.
The Fall is a rare film, but it uses an interesting method of storytelling. The story is about a little girl who is a patient in a 1920’s Los Angeles hospital, and befriends a man who tells her a magnificent story. It is no spoiler when I tell you that the man is telling her this story so she can bring him some morphine.
The story that he tells the girl is full of adventure with characters that are also just as interesting. This is one of those movies where the story being told is showed as another story, and the hospital stay is a framing device. What makes the film interesting is how both stories weave together and affect each other.
I suppose that The Fall could be called a Fantasy, and the fantasy story is quite amazing and full of interesting color and scenery. There is one shot where a face dissolves into an outdoor shot of a field that looks like the face. The film was directed by Tarsem Singh, who has gone on to direct other Hollywood blockbusters like Mirror Mirror and Immortals. I haven’t seen that Julia Roberts Snow White movie, but I will have to say that Immortals was a letdown. I could probably write about that one on a separate article, but I would rather not.
Generally, I have noticed that most directors do their best films first, and The Fall is an excellent example of brilliant and imaginative filmmaking, and I wish there were more films like it. It reminds me of films like Hugo which are essentially movies about movies, if that makes any sense.
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