Okay, for about a year I worked at home, on my daughter’s bed that I used as an office. That was a weird time, and I don’t know why it took me so long to just put a desk in my own bedroom and call it good.
My point is that a lot of people work from their laptop on their bed, and this Laying Down Laptop Stand is made for them. As you can see, you can angle it so your laptop is right up above you, and I am not certain why you would want to do that.
You can see that the screen is above you and you can gaze up on it. This would be very helpful for those who are just watching a movie on the computer, but I really just would not be comfortable with my hands on the keys. Do we want to talk about using a mouse with this?
Well, if you want this for your own home, you can get it for about $95 on the Fancy website.
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