Intel recently had a contest for wearables, and one of the winners is the Nixie. Just to let you know, Nixies are shapeshifting water spirits from Germanic mythology, and I thought I would find that definition on a Google search. Instead, I found most results yielded a flying wrist bracelet drone that will shoot selfies.
Yeah, this is pretty futuristic technology. The purpose of this device is to just wrap around the wrist, and then you unfold it and send it flying. Apparently, there is technology that understands where the heck you are, and so you can get yourself some quick selfies.
I am assuming that the Nixie somehow downloads these selfie pictures to your smartphone. I would say assume because my Source did not really say that, but if I was building the Nixie, I would give it that feature. I would also create an app that would allow the user to control the Nixie’s flight. You can probably get some great pictures that way.
Now, this is still in the prototype stage, so I hope that those aforementioned features that I mentioned in the last paragraph will be implemented. In the meantime, I’m going to be looking for it on Kickstarter and at the next CES.
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