So, I don’t think we really have covered a humidifier before, like ever. Normally, when I say that, I follow it up by saying I reviewed a certain product before I did my video channel. Seriously, I’ve never reviewed a humidifier, and I don’t know much about them as I don’t even use them. Needless to say, I had a chance to try out the TruSens N-200.
In fact, I literally had to look up “what does a humidifier do” on Google before I did this review. The short answer is a device that releases water vapor (or steam) to increase moisture level in the air (or humidity). The TruSens N-200 has enhanced water softening filter minimizing build up and white dust to deliver cleaner mist.
You can see in the video what it comes with. I covered some simple things about the N-200, but I wanted to discuss that it has an optimal humidity level with a SensorPod helping control the balance of moisture in the air to go against the side effects of dry indoor air. That SensorPod is that hockey puck that you see in the video, and you can control the humidifier misting speed, and there is a dimmer and stuff.
You might notice that I didn’t pour any water here in this thing, and yeah, I totally wimped out on that. Yes, it holds 1.3 gallon of water, and I just didn’t feel like filming the pouring of water into it. If you have a 485-foot area, it is good for it. By the way, the N-200 will shut off once the tank is empty. So, in trying it out, I will have to say that the N-200 is quite quiet, and it will go for about 50 hours.
Okay, the last time I did a review of something, I forgot to put the specs there, but you can link to the specs on the website link below. Yes, there is a lot that I didn’t say even in the video review, but in my defense, I’m a little short on time with all the reviews I’m doing during the holiday. I think it interesting that the N-200 has 10 reviews, and all of those are 5-stars. That is crazy.
So, if you are looking to get one of these cool TruSens N-200, head on to the TruSens website and pay $179.00 for it.
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