Several of you know that my site recently has had technical problems, and this is the reason why I currently can’t make a link to an article that is more than a few days old. I was able to look at my old works, and I believe one of my first articles was Why Christians are Afraid of Technology, which I can’t seem to get back on the site.
On that post, I was talking about how many Christians have this fear that people will be tracked with a microchip like our pets. Many times, people feared that those who would not receive this Mark will be put to death, or something. I have heard a lot about government programs that want to do this, which serves to get good Christians people frightened.
So here’s a little something that Christian people might also like. Apparently, there are electronic sensors that can be printed directly onto the human skin. Anyone nervous about this?
Well, what if I can tell you that this is designed to save lives? The printed skin tattoos can monitor skin hydration, temperature, and any electric signals from muscle and brain activity. That would come in handy to doctors who arrive at the scene of an accident.
By the way, these skin sensors are not permanent. A spray-on bandage would keep it on for about two weeks.
Okay, can all Christian people calm down about this being the Mark of the Beast, but my Source did compare a more permanent version of this to Logan’s Run. That’s good, it really is.
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