I think we all have seen episodes of CSI where someone’s DNA can leave a vital clue that cracks a case, and we all know that our DNA tech isn’t nearly that efficient. I’m not certain that I am looking forward to the day when we can just take a piece of gum, fork, or anything else and come up with a perfect DNA replica. That sounds a little like Minority Report justice, but an artist named Heather Dewey-Hagborg has recently started a new exhibit called Stranger visions that harvests stray DNA.
Here is how it works: the artist collects the genetic material from public places and then analyzes it at a lab. After getting information like gender, ethnicity, and eye color, this data is fed into a custom computer program and then generates a 3D model of the face. A ZCorp 3D printer makes the head cast and then it looks like it is mounted on the wall like a hunting trophy. The guy in the middle looks like Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
Well, this is definitely where art meets science, and it really gets you to thinking. I suppose we are really one step away from having our habits tracked, assuming we don’t put them on Facebook, Foursquare, and social networking.
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