It seems like I am seeing a lot of comedy bits with “hashtag” in them. I see no point in figuring out who started it. Recently, Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake did a sketch where they were constantly saying “hashtag” after everything, as if their life was nothing but a series of tweets.
It is pretty clear that these hashtag comedy bits are trying to satirize that. I didn’t bother posting the Fallon/Timberlake sketch because most people have seen it already. I did post this awful Subway ad that I just can’t help but see.
I honestly don’t know whether Subway saw the Fallon sketch and just imitated it (badly), or they already had that sketch written and done and are now publicizing the heck out of it. Either way, I am sick of it. #imsickofit
Yeah, this is how you end a hashtag bit. With a #ending.
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