Qualcomm is developing FLO TV for the iPhone.
For those that are wanting to see the latest Internet tablet, feast your eyes on the Camagi WebStation.
The world’s first wireless USB hard drive has been perfected with the Imation ProWX.
Speaking of world’s first, you might want to see the first in-app purchase from Android with Ringz.
The DJ in you might enjoy the TouchDJ iPhone app.
For those that enjoy Seesmic might enjoy its latest version for the Android and BlackBerry.
Yes, I love Lego, and a Japanese company has created a fusion of Lego and paper with the MUJI Lego kits.
Here’s an interesting concept for 3D scanning: the ProFORMA. Just turn your thing and it scans it.
Did you know that there is Interactive Whiteboard technology? Check out the Hitachi Starboard FX-77GII.
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