It is difficult to get a movie made these days, especially an original one. Specifically, it is difficult to get a blockbuster made because they cost a lot of money, and if the audience doesn’t latch onto it, the film is practically doomed from the start. This is why certain franchises and sequels and reboots are happening, and Ghostbusters will finally be given its return after 27 years.
Yes, it has been that long. Ghostbusters 2 was that long ago, and the franchise has survived in comic books and animated shows for years, and there has been rumors of a Ghostbusters 3 for years. Now that Harold Ramis is passed away, there is no chance of the original quartet getting back together.
It kind of feels like someone really wanted a Ghostbusters film, so it was rebooted with women in the cast. To me, this just feels odd, and there is no way that I protest against it without sounding sexist. Gender-swapping is becoming pretty common in films, and even the new Doctor Strange film as a white female Ancient One character instead of a Tibetan male.
Now, the film is showing these lady Ghostbusters as a new generation, and I suppose that is pretty smart. One of the pluses of Ghostbusters 2 is that it takes place 5 years after the original, and there wasn’t any ghosts in between then. This affected the plot, but the sequel wasn’t really all that interesting.
The first trailer for the new Ghostbusters didn’t look very good, and the second one looked better, but not really good. However, Dan Ackroyd, the original Ghostbusters writer and actor, has taken to social media saying that he loves it.
That is incredibly high praise, and all I can say is: it had better live up to Aykroyd’s praise. If it doesn’t, then the film is doomed, even with a Bill Murray cameo. We will find out July 15, 2016.
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