Imagine a world where you can just “Like” a business on Facebook or other social network, and then show up at the actual business and get a deal.
How is this possible? All of it is thanks to the blue box of a camera called FaceDeals which has facial recognition software. You show up, get your picture taken by this camera, and your discount will appear when it is time to buy.
Apparently, an advertising agency known as RedPepper doesn’t tell how this software works, but it has Arduino and Open CV (the Open Source Computer Vision Library). I’m not certain if this tech is ready for use yet.
I suppose we should be fascinated at this development, but I can’t but think that this is some sort of Big Brother kinds of system that is an easier pill to swallow. In other words, give people discounts to show their face at a camera, and, as my Source says, “trade privacy for savings”.
I suppose that this is at the heart of this issue. It really is funny that 1984’s big brother was not only off by the year, but the idea of the death of privacy doesn’t seem to strike us as dystopian anymore. Shoot, we all post pictures of us on social networks, and do things we would never have done face to face.
Yeah, this is pretty crazy, and I can’t wait to see what develops from there.
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