Greetings on this Labor Day, I hope you are enjoying your day off, assuming that you get one. (I know I usually don’t.)
Thought you might enjoy a few tech updates.
I’ll start with the Sansa Clip +. It’s just like the Sansa Clip, which plays music from an SD cards full of music rather than messing with iTunes and other downloading things. Check it out here if you want more info.
Those of you who are in the market for a new GPS device might want to consider the Magellan RoadMate 1700 GPS.
Sony is turning up the head on 3D with a promise to bring 3D content to the Bravia, PS3, and the PSP. Check it out, here, baby. The 3D trend is currently smokin’ hot!
Samsung has recently announced their X520 and X420 CULV laptops.
NEC is bringing back the standard-aspect with the MultiSync EA109M LCD monitors.
Sanyo is improving the Xacti series with the DXM-CG11 that supports Eye-Fi. Not bad!
Monopoly is putting out yet another version of their game that uses Google Maps.
I always like reporting on some new concept. This Bluetooth Concept phone is quite a hoot. You should check it out for the Lord of the Rings style poem alone.
Remember that glove that I showed you on my PAX photo gallery? Here is the article about it.
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