Of course, everyone should know that I am big on all things LEGO, and I found not one, but two products that will take the brick.
The first is an iPhone accessory that is essentially a case that you can build on. Now, I’m not certain what you would use all those bricks for, as that could turn your iPhone bulky.
I believe that there is already a case like this for building blocks, but this one is officially endorsed through Belkin and Lego. If you want to get this, you will have to wait so you can get it in Spring 2013.
Then there is the unofficial building brick prouduct known as the Build-on Brick Mug. You can see in the picture here how adding wheels to the mug gives the morning cup of coffee a very unique experience.
The cup is good for about 12 ounces, and it can take the heat of coffee. It is actually available now for $19.99.
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