Many have already heard of the Cassidy-Graham legislation that the GOP is trying to get passed through quickly to try to get rid of the Affordable Care Act. They are trying to sneak it through before the end of the month so that they can repeal it with a simple majority- which is 51 votes. This will kick 30 million people off the healthcare that they desperately need. It’s been said that Christians don’t think that the government should step in to fill the need that the church is supposed to be filling, but will that happen?
There are many medical missions that go out to other countries. There are even medical missions here in the United States, such as Operation Renewed Hope that provides one day clinics through a host church. Many Christians also volunteer at their local free clinics. These programs are wonderful and useful, but they can’t begin to cover every needy person in this country and their medical expenses. Our college town has a free clinic that I know is staffed by Christians, but even they can’t take on all the medical needs of every needy person in our area, and even these charitable places accept Medicaid funding. They can’t run it on volunteers alone. They also don’t provide therapies that disabled people in our area(including my son) need to improve their lives. These programs are going to get cut if this small majority get their way.
Can your church afford to take care of the medical costs of your own pastor- let alone every member or non-member in your community who can’t afford it? I have seen the charitableness of church people, and it is extremely admirable. I believe the people who give their money to help the poor and the sick will be rewarded, but I’ve heard far too many people say that it’s not their problem to be assured that Christians would be able to take over the responsibility that the government has been doing for years.
Jesus did call for us to take care of the sick and needy. Matthew 25 has some strong words about those who do not do so. Nowhere in the Bible does it speak about the government not being able to do so, as well. If the Church stepped up and provided healthcare for ALL- without judgement or strings attached, maybe people would be more apt to believe that we don’t need the government.
The American Medical Association, AARP, and the American Cancer Society are just a few groups who have come out against this bill. Jimmy Kimmel has a lot to say about it
So, you don’t like the ACA, or ObamaCare(as everyone who despises it likes to refer to it), a bi-partisan group of senators are working together to make a better plan- one that does not include ripping out all the benefits of the needy in our country. Please call your senators and tell them you don’t want healthcare to be ripped away from those who need it. Show the nation that Christianity is pro-life for all- not just the unborn fetus.
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