I’m sure that you are all thinking: “Why is this the Xbox One? Isn’t this technically the third? Yeah, and Apple called last year’s iPad “The New iPad”?
Sure, the naming doesn’t make sense, but it does just make sense to update the Xbox as it has been a while. This is what we know so far: it went for a black look, which gets rid of the traditional white from the last model. The reason for the “One” name is an emphasis for the user to have TV, games, and entertainment all in “one” place.
When I say TV, it looks like some sort of deal was made with cable companies like Comcast to make certain that your shows are piped in. It then has the DVR function so you can keep your programs where you want them.
Unlike its predecessor, the Xbox One will come with the Kinect as a standard. The new Kinect has a 1080p camera and there are a lot of new hand signals to increase your video/gaming experience, such as swipe up and grab-and-pan. There are also vocal commands like turning it on with just “Xbox, on”. It looks like some other vocal commands could turn this thing into a video version of a personal digital assistant.
As for what is on the inside, we are looking at an eight-core processor made by AMD, 8GB of RAM, USB 3.0, HDMI in/out, 500 GB of hard drive space, and Blu-ray, of all things.
Well, we’ll be seeing this one at the tail end of 2013, which means that it and the Sony PS4 will be the “most wanted” holiday gifts. I’m guessing that gamers will hopefully get their chance to try it out at E3, but that is coming up very soon.
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