As I mentioned in my last review of Drew and the Floating Labyrinth is PAX month, and so I will report about games that perhaps you have not heard about. The game Reassembly from Indie Voyage is one of them.
Reassembly is a game that is a mix of old-school and “current school” gaming. You know how Minecraft allows its users to build a world with 1 x 1 blocks? In Reassembly, you get to make spaceships out of interestingly shaped polygon blocks. The end result is making ships that look like they are from Asteroids, if that classic vector graphics game was in color.
Personally, I think this game has the potential of Minecraft, and it looks very beautiful. You can essentially build ships like you would use Lego blocks, with guns and thrusters. You can then actually make them work. Then you can take your ship, as big as you want, and take it out into battle. Man, if there is a way to make this in 3-D, I am not certain if I would ever leave the computer screen.
Now, this is a Kickstarter project, and I want to see it get its funding. Go ahead and check it out here to find out more, and I believe that it is coming to Steam soon.
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