Some of us, possibly of the female persuasion, carry around large handbags which eventually get full of clutter. Personally, I believe that the purse and accessories world was unprepared for the mobile revolution.
This Finders Key Purse (get it, it sounds like Finders Keepers) is essentially a way to make sure that the mobile phone stays on top of the clutter in the handbag. It is a thick Neoprene sleeve to hold the phone, and it has a key ring to hook onto a purse. This puts the phone on top rather than ending up at the bottom of the bag.
Not only does this make the phone easily findable, but it has a microfiber lining that cleans as it protects. This Finders Key Purse can attach to a belt loop as well.
You can pick up the Phone Pouch in Blue and Green print, Pink and White print, and Silver print. You can find out more at the website here, but if you want to order them, you might have to do it in bulk.
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