About a few months ago, I was driving from Central Oregon to my home in Washington, and I found windmills on every empty field along the coastline.
Personally, I find that using this kind of renewable power is very good, and all those towers are just plain beautiful. I have just learned that if surface level winds were somehow harnessed to produce electric power, this will give you 400 terawatts. My Source has also told me that the current total consumption of humanity is currently 18 terawatts.
In short, we should have plenty of power, right? Man, I wish I could believe that, seriously. Man, who hasn’t been told to conserve energy, but if we had plenty of it, who cares?
Now, all we have to do is figure out how to really harness all those 400 terawatts. Does this mean we are going to put wind farms in every field on Earth? Just as long as we have places to grow crops, I don’t have a problem with that.
But seriously, it is refreshing to hear a Source say we have plenty of energy. Normally all you hear is environmentalist saying that we are abusing the planet. The problem is, how do you know who is telling the truth here?
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