Even though the iPhone 4/4S may seem passe with the advent of the iPhone 5, Krome has some pretty awesome cases with the CargoCase and the Compact Case.
Krome sent me two of their products, and in all honesty, I can barely tell the difference between the two. Both of them have a small pocket that can hold ID or credit cards, or business cards. I am told that it can hold bills, provided that they are tri-folded, but I don’t really use an iPhone like that.
I have seen iPhone products that turn an iPhone into the wallet before, like the HEX Axis. What really makes this unique is that it has an optional mirror, and I don’t know any product like that.
Okay, if you want these cases, you can get the CargoCase for about $39.95 on the Krome site, and you can get the CompactCase for the same price on the same site. Check it out if you have an iPhone 4/4S, and check them out if you want to see what they have for an iPhone 5.
Wait, this just in! I figured out what makes the CompactCase different from the CargoCase! The CargoCase has a thing that can fold down, and it holds 5 ID or credit cards, or 12 business cards. It has a more visible “flap” that you can see in the illustration. The CompactCase can do 2 ID or credit cards, but can do 5 business cards.
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