Generally, I don’t really review products that apparently still on Indiegogo, but I have to admit that this product, which I picked up at CES 2016, is so very decent. I might be understating this, as the SlimPort Nano Console is a very good product that can do a lot of things.
Basically, the SlimPort Nano Console is a cube shaped device that connects to an HDMI display. From there, you can connect your smartphone or tablet to this cube. Not only will this cube charge your tablet or smartphone, anything on your tablet or smartphone will appear on your display.
It really is a good idea, as it just makes sense to make something to get things on your mobile device onto a display. Not only that, you can take control of the smartphone or tablet with a Bluetooth enabled touchpad NANO to control a device just like you are holding it.
Not only that, you can connect a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse to turn the device into something else. Yeah, it can do that and more with gaming.
So, yeah there is a lot that you can do with this. I believe that the price that I am seeing for this is quite low at about $59. You can find out more about it on the SlimPort Nano Console here.
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