We talked about the #MeToo movement that was initiated by Alyssa Milano after the Harvey Weinstein scandals came out. There's another important related topic to this that Christians need to be aware of. A new awareness campaign is coming to the light with #ChurchToo. Yes, sexual abuse happens in churches as well. Not just the Catholics, but LDS, Protestants, et al. People … [Read more...] about #ChurchToo: Victims Speak up About Sexual Abuse Within the Church
Thunderbolt 3 Dock from OWC
Once again, I am doing a review of a laptop/desktop accessory with the Thunderbolt 3 Dock from OWC. I am not certain what OWC stands for, but they seem to make a lot of really interesting products. The Thunderbolt 3 Dock is enough to give your computer 13 ports, provided that it is plugged in with the Thunderbolt 3 cable. On the front is a USB 3.1 Generation 1 for … [Read more...] about Thunderbolt 3 Dock from OWC
What is Happening to Christians and our Nation Today?
I just don't understand anymore. Another boycott is happening. Many Twitter users smashing their Keurig coffee makers in response to Keurig and others pulling their advertising from Sean Hannity's Fox News show. Why did Keurig cause so much grief? On Friday, Sean Hannity interviewed Roy Moore, the Republican … [Read more...] about What is Happening to Christians and our Nation Today?
Grey’s Anatomy Celebrates 300th Episode Tonight!
Only 4 of the original characters remain, but Grey's Anatomy has lived on for 14 seasons, and tonight, ABC's hit show will celebrate this momentous occasion with some hat tips to former characters. Chandra Wilson (Dr. Miranda Bailey), Justin Chambers (Dr. Alex Karev), James Pickens Jr. (Dr. Richard Webber), and of course, Ellen Pompeo as Dr. Meredith Grey will see their … [Read more...] about Grey’s Anatomy Celebrates 300th Episode Tonight!
The Long Road Home Premieres Tonight on National Geographic Channel
As we enter the week of Veterans' Day, there is a wonderful opportunity to see stories of what soldiers and their families have experienced as the war in Iraq transpired. Martha Raddatz, ABC News correspondent in foreign affairs, had a unique opportunity to follow the soldiers and write the best-selling book, The Long Road Home, which inspired this … [Read more...] about The Long Road Home Premieres Tonight on National Geographic Channel
How Franklin Graham, One Million Moms, and other Christians are Killing our Youth
If you didn't jump on the Disney boycott in March when Franklin Graham told people that they should boycott because the live version of Beauty and the Beast had a gay character, or back in 1997 when Southern Baptists called for a Disney boycott because of Disney's pro-gay policies, then Franklin Graham and others like One Million Moms, are calling people to join another … [Read more...] about How Franklin Graham, One Million Moms, and other Christians are Killing our Youth
Giveaway Time: Wireless Earbuds by Moxyo
Earlier this month, Mark reviewed a pair of Moxyo Mission wireless earbuds. We're pleased to be able to offer a free pair to our readers that the company gave us in exchange for an unbiased and honest review of their product. Our desire is to increase traffic to our site, and we hope that you will spread the … [Read more...] about Giveaway Time: Wireless Earbuds by Moxyo
Body Shaming and #MeToo
I came across a post by someone in a Facebook group I am a part of. One more story of a girl who was sent home because her body was a "distraction." Her crime? She was wearing a t-shirt with a little bit of cleavage showing. She happened to be a more well-endowed girl, so it didn't really matter that her shirt was pretty modest. She didn't have a low scooping neckline, but a … [Read more...] about Body Shaming and #MeToo
Donald Trump: The War on Christmas Starts Early
Starbucks hasn't announced their cup design and Halloween is a couple weeks away, but Donald Trump made sure to start the fires early at his speech at the Values Voter Summit today. This group, composed primarily of Evangelicals, gathers to discuss items like traditional marriage, religious liberty, sanctity of life and limited government. Trump has made sure to fuel the "us … [Read more...] about Donald Trump: The War on Christmas Starts Early
Toast Cases for the iPhone 8 and Microsoft Surface Pro 2017
By now, I have reviewed at least three Toast products in the past few years, and it stands to reason that they would put out covers for the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus, as well as the new Surface Pro 5 (2017). I feel very fortunate to have a chance to review both of these, as I enjoy the Toast products, made in Portland, Oregon. Toast Real Wood Cover for the iPhone 8 At … [Read more...] about Toast Cases for the iPhone 8 and Microsoft Surface Pro 2017
BSA Officially Announces Girls to be Welcomed Into the Program
Rumors have been swirling over the past few months that the Boy Scouts of America program was testing the waters to determine if families would like to allow girls into the program. Today, the Board of Directors announced that they have unanimously voted to welcome girls into the Cub Scout program, and that older girls will have the chance to earn the Eagle rank. “This … [Read more...] about BSA Officially Announces Girls to be Welcomed Into the Program
Mike Pence Protests the NFL on Taxpayers’ Dime
Vice President Mike Pence attended Sunday's game between the San Francisco 49ers and his hometown Indianapolis Colts briefly, in what appears to be a planned protest of kneeling football players. Well, he says that he was attending the game specifically because Peyton Manning was being honored, but instead of focusing on honoring Manning, it seems that he has taken the focus … [Read more...] about Mike Pence Protests the NFL on Taxpayers’ Dime
AOL Says Goodbye to Instant Messenger
Many of us older people began our internet memories with the sounds of screeching and humming, and after glorious connection finally appeared, the famous "You've got mail!" announcement. AOL Instant Messenger was integrated in the AOL program. Remember when you could get free hours of internet with a simple CD sent in the mail? The little yellow running man greeting us on … [Read more...] about AOL Says Goodbye to Instant Messenger
Moscow, Idaho Joins the Movement to Change the Name of Columbus Day
The first city in the state of Idaho to do so, Moscow City Council members voted on Monday to change the name of Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples' Day. The vote was in favor of changing it 5 to 1. This just in time- as Columbus Day happens on October 9th. The Moscow Human Rights Commission Chair, Ken Faunce, was in attendance at the city council meeting to explain why the … [Read more...] about Moscow, Idaho Joins the Movement to Change the Name of Columbus Day
Massacre in Las Vegas Kills at Least 58, More Than 500 Wounded
People are mourning, speculating this morning, as late night news broke over a mass shooting at a Country music concert last night in Las Vegas, Nevada. The current count is 58 dead, 515 injured. This latest terrorist attack adds to the heartbreak our nation faces as more and more people die every day. The facts are that the shooter was a sixty-four year old, Caucasian male. … [Read more...] about Massacre in Las Vegas Kills at Least 58, More Than 500 Wounded