Today is a day that people who are connoisseurs of a certain kind of bean can get in on. It is National Coffee Day! Now, I know, every day is a celebration of coffee, right? Well, maybe not to the members of the faith that I was raised in, but I can drink the beverage guilt-free now! So how did you celebrate the day? Stores across the nation had special deals on some coffee … [Read more...] about #NationalCoffeeDay
NFL and Patriotism Myths and Rumors Debunked
As posted not long ago, an immense pet peeve of mine is when people spread rumors on the internet. Once they begin to go around, they spread like wildfire, and many begin to use it as cold, hard fact. The #TakeaKnee and #IStand debacle is tearing a deeper hole in our country, and the rumors being spread do not help. I've even been guilty of not researching something I posted on … [Read more...] about NFL and Patriotism Myths and Rumors Debunked
ABC’s “The Good Doctor” Starts Out With Not so Good Reviews
TechnoMark thought this would be a good show for me to write about since I'm knowledgeable about Autism, and I like hospital dramas like Grey's Anatomy. Having only seen the pilot episode, I can't say if I like the show or not. It received a lukewarm reception from many reviewers such as this one from The Vulture and Rotten Tomatoes has the show at only 31 percent, although … [Read more...] about ABC’s “The Good Doctor” Starts Out With Not so Good Reviews
#TakeAKnee and #IStand: What is Patriotism?
Colin Kaepernick started a movement when he took a knee during the National Anthem last year to protest the unjust treatment of black people by police. He isn't playing for a team this year, but his example continues. Friday night, Donald Trump caused a stir when he said that the NFL owners should fire any "son of a bitch" who took a knee of protest during the traditional … [Read more...] about #TakeAKnee and #IStand: What is Patriotism?
Praying in Public and the Stink it Causes
Praying in public has made news headlines recently. A school in Alabama in the Lee County district received a complaint from a parent through the organization "Freedom From Religion" about a public prayer that was led by a student over the PA system before a football game. The letter detailed some U.S. Supreme Court rulings about public prayers in school. One of the … [Read more...] about Praying in Public and the Stink it Causes
Will the Church Fill the Government Role of Healthcare?
Many have already heard of the Cassidy-Graham legislation that the GOP is trying to get passed through quickly to try to get rid of the Affordable Care Act. They are trying to sneak it through before the end of the month so that they can repeal it with a simple majority- which is 51 votes. This will kick 30 million people off the healthcare that they desperately need. It's been … [Read more...] about Will the Church Fill the Government Role of Healthcare?
I want to see Wes Anderson’s Isle of Dogs Right Now! Darn you, actual release date!
I have to admit that I am not a big fan of Wes Anderson, but I love the pastel look of his latest works such as The Grand Budapest Hotel and Moonrise Kingdom. Then there is his animated masterpiece of Fantastic Mr. Fox, which I feel is so under-appreciated. If you haven't seen Fantastic Mr. Fox, it has an all-star cast and a unique style of animation which features a lot … [Read more...] about I want to see Wes Anderson’s Isle of Dogs Right Now! Darn you, actual release date!
Amber Cantorna’s “Refocusing my Family” Tour and Release Date Amber Cantorna was a daughter raised in a Christian home. Not just any Christian home, though. Her father was part of the Focus on the Family team- an executive for 30 years. When she came out to her family at the age of 27 as being gay, her family was torn apart. Amber has written a book called "Refocusing my Family," which details her struggles … [Read more...] about Amber Cantorna’s “Refocusing my Family” Tour and Release Date
The Top 5 Worst Ad Campaigns, Because You Just Got to Read This Obvious Clickbait!
Yeah, there are some days where I just write what I want to write, and so I wanted to write about ad campaigns that I am just sick of. Now, I am certain that there are some people who like these ad campaigns, but for me, some are so bad that I would not buy the product even if it were given to me for free. 5. The Kia Hamster Soul/Turbo Ads As far as I can tell, this … [Read more...] about The Top 5 Worst Ad Campaigns, Because You Just Got to Read This Obvious Clickbait!
The Story of Us with Morgan Freeman on National Geographic; Air Date and Time
Last year, we watched as Morgan Freeman traveled the world, finding out how different beliefs about religion came about, and how religion has shaped many in the world. The Discovery Channel is bringing Freeman back- this time in a documentary to discover the common binds that define humanity in The Story of Us. According to the … [Read more...] about The Story of Us with Morgan Freeman on National Geographic; Air Date and Time
Rumor Has It- Lies,Rumors and Internet Myths in the Wake of Hurricanes
When I first saw the picture of Donald Trump carrying two cats, and the caption, "More Trump heroism that's being willfully ignored by the mainstream media!" It was in a post warning that it was a fake picture. I kind of scoffed at it, thinking,"Who would believe that picture is real? I don't see the physique matching that of Trump, and the skin tone is … [Read more...] about Rumor Has It- Lies,Rumors and Internet Myths in the Wake of Hurricanes
Reverend Robert Wright Lee IV’s Amazing Sermon on The View
The great, great, great, great nephew of General Robert E. Lee, Reverend Robert Lee IV, spoke up at the VMA's after the riots in Charlottesville in relation to people wanting to preserve the monument of his ancestor. He received much hate and threats from fellow Christians, and so he stepped down as pastor of his North Carolina parish. He told the ladies of ABC's The View … [Read more...] about Reverend Robert Wright Lee IV’s Amazing Sermon on The View
Hurricanes Harvey and Irma- Here are Ways to Help
Thoughts and prayers are all well and good. They often offer a sense of doing something in a time of not knowing what to do. When people are trying to rebuild after a natural disaster of this magnitude, however, thoughts and prayers aren't going to help them. So now is the time to help. What can you do? What are scams to look out for, and what should you NOT do? There are … [Read more...] about Hurricanes Harvey and Irma- Here are Ways to Help
Why are Critics and Audiences Split Over Seth MacFarlane’s The Orville
Last Sunday night, FOX aired The Orville, a science-fiction comedy show created by the one-and-only Seth MacFarlane, much more famous for Family Guy and American Dad. What is strange is how divided critics and audiences are split on this particular show. The Rotten Tomatoes score is 17 percent, which is quite low and would usually signal a definite cancellation. However, it has … [Read more...] about Why are Critics and Audiences Split Over Seth MacFarlane’s The Orville
Hurricanes Harvey and Irma- Is it Climate Change?
There has been a lot of talk about climate change in the wake of the two category 4 Hurricanes we have seen in the U.S. within just a couple of weeks of each other. Hurricane Harvey caused at least 70 deaths in Texas, and a lot of destruction of homes and other buildings. While people are still struggling to recover there, Florida is being hit hard as well. This is the first … [Read more...] about Hurricanes Harvey and Irma- Is it Climate Change?